Page 33 - YB1941
P. 33
KENNETH GEIt,\l.D BILLS--COIllCS from the Irozen north of Painted Post known either as the "Trapper" or "Kenny" ... a fast, shifty quarterback. man in basket- ball and baseball. education student. plans a teaching or career in N. Y. PEARL BURKHEAJ) Bonnrr-r=-Math major, but has more hours ill economics than in math member of the Argonauts ... has definite likes and dislikes about clothes .. can number the times 'she has been 10 breakfast 011 her ten fingers .. has the true scholar's mind. BRADY CORBETT Bouxus=-Home-spun philosopher of Upper McKinstry ... a model student -except when there's something more interesting to do ... 11 keen bridge fan-c\'en sacrifices beloved sleep for that his oilly vice is his pipe an English major in education. EVI':LYN MAY BOWEN-Poise and charm are her two greatest assets .. always faultlessly attired in the latest styles .. desires a career in business aclminisl ration .. admired IOl her graceful dancing. . likes to wear red .. always maintuins her even disposition. B1LLS BOBBITT BOUNDS E. M. BOWEN
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