Page 40 - YB1941
P. 40
LEWIS HENRY El.LlOT-President of Pi Alpha Alpha ... debonnir and suave, "Lou" causes man}' feminine heads to turn ... perpetual grin makes many friends ... witt}' remarks arc genu. inely humorous-c-t'watch my hack" ... economics major . does more worrying than work. WILLAIID FRANKLIN EVEHETT-A true intellectual ... interested ill many extra-curricular activities. . a handball and ping-pong enthusiast. . considered an expert in the latter game member of TKA ... president of Argonauts ... chemistry major ... education student. ROBERT DeCKER FAw-"Bob"-many thoughts and enterprises, man)' irons in many fires . clean-cut, typical college man. . honor system advocate ... full of Scotch stamina ... good for sixty minutes plays hard but fail' president of _r..'len's Student Government. AHNOLD NOll~rAN FLEACU:-His talents are spread far 1l11d wide . an actor or note. experimenter on the bassoon .. a member of the Argonauts, clues treasurer and dean's lister apparently serious, but has a volatile, humorous personality under the surface. ELLIOT EVERETT FAW FLEAGLE
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