Page 31 - YB1941
P. 31
ARIIISTRONC ASBURY BADF.N BANKS ELIZABETH DODD AR~lSTHONC-"Artl1y" ... Eastern Shore inhabitanL who still clings to many customs of her native land ... would rather play bridge than slcep-c-ahnost .. Phi Alphtl Mu adherent .. superb dancer. her fortes are shorthand and typing wants to leach. MARY LOUISE ASBURy-Popular young belle with a slow southern drawl ... specializes in illlricute but graceful dancing ... modest, industrious and conscientious in everything she does. . Phi Alpha Mu president . dresses in latest styles and the best of taste. CLYJ)E HUDGINS BADEN-Quiet and serious. spends greater part of his lime sleeping .. in Iour years hasn't spent more than a hall-dozen week-ends on the campus. . president of the lnternutionul Relations Club ... history major who enjoys doing his collateral. Wll.LlAM M(:ELFnESIf BANKS-A clarinet player suprcme-c-sends them out of this world with hoi licks on his licorice stick .. always well-dressed, even when going to classes. member of Gamma Beta Chi ... military hand captain ... ardent intrn-murnl athlete.
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