Page 38 - YB1941
P. 38
DEXTEH DIETSCH DILLAWAY DUNN ANNE VE~:'>EY DEXTER-Perennial member of the May Court. II main-stay of Phi Alpha Mu ... is interested iii Home Economics with emphasis on dietetics ... participant in the social "swim" ... a gorgeous blond who speaks and thinks forthrightly and independently. PHYLI...IS MAIIGU£R!TE DIETscH-Arresting eyes, a sparkling smile .. has the world at her fingertips ... "travels" via a collection of travel booklets which reveals innate wanderlust first savings account will take her to Hawaii likes "different" bracelets. FIl.ANCES ALICE DILLAWAy-"F'mn" is quiet, friendly, serious or gay as the situation demands. wears lovely clothes well. tall, dignified brunette ... loyal Sigma. "week-ends" in Baltimore .. a Home Economics student with summer dietetics experience. COIlA ANTHONY DUNN-"Cody"-lall, sophisticated lady ... excellent taste in clothes and wears them well ... never obviously settles down to anyone thing, but can accomplish anything with artful finesse. . sly humor her specialty . faithful to old Frostburg.
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