Page 37 - YB1941
P. 37
DARSCH DAY DELIZ DENNIS Eou, CLEl\lENT DAllSCR-"Ecad" ... the unpredictable mystic ... experiments with every' thing at any time .. his eccentric innovations ill dress are well known on the calli pus distinctive in cverything he does ... Delta Pi Alpha. accomplished fencer. Fni\NK DOOLEY DAy-"Tcllney"-typiclil hard-working student serious appearance which belies a dry humor steady and dependable. . well-known for his frequent perilous Iorays in "Hector" ... surprising star of galiles active in club sports. RAMONA CARIIIEN DELIZ-As house president she carries the responsibilities of l\IcDnniel Hall on her shoulders ... a fine student in French and Latin ... member of the Argonauts and J. C. C. ... vice-president of the French Club . call be heard singing ut nil hours. WILLIAM HOHSEY DENNIS-"Cocky Will" ... a good natured and enthusiastic Gamma Bet well-liked by all .. lieutenant in the R. O. T. C. Battalion ... would like to be stationed in Hawaii when the army calls ... "Redhead" is a spectacular performer with a megaphone.
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