Page 39 - YB1941
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CHAIlLES MERRJTT EARL-Independent, candid, and faithful to his own principles strong-willed and determined I.HI intelligent and effective extemporaneous speaker uu active leader ill the S. C. A. .. enthusiastic supporter of campus problem study groups. LEONARD NElLSON ECKENRODE--Nudeus of Western Maryland's golf team, "Neil" is cap' tain and a consistent low scorer ... celebrates his birthday at frequent intervals ... an officer in Gamma Bela Chi. ardent participant in many dub sports .. likes to sleep. ELI.ENE ACNES EDl\'IOND-Ardent swing music devotee ... all-around star athlete vice. president of the W. A. A .... president of the "Sigmas" .. smooth dancer faithful alarm clock at breakfast a definite and outstanding personality ... unsurpassed ill loyalty. THOMAS GLENN EUAS-A true campus leader with an interest in sports, fraternity, social activities and studies ... a future "medloo," Tom applies himself steadily to insure .. affable and easy·going. . his friendly personality is his best asset. EARL ECKENRODE EDMOND ELIAS
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