Page 82 - YB1940
P. 82
ALPHA GAMMA TAU Alpha KERMIT BEYARD Vice Alpha GEORGE MYERS Gamma HARRY LOWERY Tau DONALD HUMPHRIES Chaplain HENRY TRIESLER Sergeant-at-Arms GUY WINDSOR HURT,Sponsor BEYARD A revised constitution, a more elaborate while ideals and purposes of the fraternity ritual, a redecorated clubroom, and a larger so that they might carry these lessons into social calendar all testify to the progress their daily lives. made by Alpha Gamma Tau during the past Faced with the choice of either buying new school year. rugs or laying a new floor, the club decided The constitution, written in 19:24 and un- on the latter. To cut down on the expense, touched since, was amended in order to give several club members volunteered to do the more freedom to pledge new members, to work. After a month of hammering, sawing, prevent absences, and to promote efficiency. general confusion and disorder, the clubroom The amended constitution provides for approx; emerged with a polished hardwood floor imately fifty members instead of the arbitrary which greatly improved its appearance. thirty-seven, sets up a system of fines for During the same period, the wainscoting and those who miss meetings, and removes other woodwork was stained to match the religious restrictions from the qualifications floor. The club is indebted to Bob Bricker, for membership. These and other improve, George Myers, and Stanley Ritchie for their ments to the constitution were suggested by hard work on this project. a committee headed by Harry Lowery. Investiture on January 16 found eleven new Robert Hahn and Henry Triesler made up members being accepted as Bachelors: Mes; a committee which recommended certain sers. Hill, Griffith, Cook, Belt, Nowak, Walls, additions to the ritual in order to make the Morris, Bohn, MacFarlane, Elliott, and meetings more impressive. Among these, a Brooks. After a prolonged initiation they polished oak presiding chair mounted on a became absorbed in our group and soon dias was provided for Alpha. Another became a part of us, taking an active part addition to the clubroom was the altar used in athletics and serving on committees. during meetings. Both the chair and altar Alpha Gamma Tau this year presented the were constructed by club brother George first dance in the fraternity series. One Myers. hundred couples, the largest crowd to ever Specially made blue academic robes for attend an opening affair, danced to the music the officers and a silken altar cloth were pur- of -the Courtiers from Baltimore. Taking chased by the club. A more formal opening Armistice Day as the theme, Blanche Ward and closing of meetings, including an officers' g~~ was decorated with flags, bunting, and processional, and an installation and investi., military weapons. A Grand March was the ture service were added to the ceremonies. feature, of an enjoyable evening. The club These additions were not incorporated in the actually realized a profit on the affair! The ritual to be mere empty forms but to impress committee in charge of arrangements in- upon the minds of the members the worth- cluded Henry Triesler, Wilbur Kidd, Harry Stomly-tight
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