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and elected a new governing 'body. The president elected for next year was Betty Brown; vice president, Ellene Edmond; secretary, Alice Vol1mer; and treasurer, Muriel Harding. A strong group of man- agers was chosen to help continue \Vestern Maryland's well-directed athletic program for women. The physical education department of Western Maryland is known for its broad BROWN, ARMACOST colleges, played a large part in the May Day activities. Archery, softball, and tennis were the sports selected for the women to compete in. Throughout the year the nth, leric association has not only sponsored ath- letic activities but has helped supervise and plan dances and other social activities which are an integral part of college life. May is also the awards month of the year. In view of their faithfulness and spirit shown in athletics on the "Hill" for the past four years the association recognized the ability VEALE, RUDISILL of those seniors winning the gold chenille "M," the highest award given this year by athletic program. Certificates for teaching the \V. A. A. for the accumulation of points. physical ~ducation can he obtained by These women who were particularly out- women who do special work in this field. standing in athletics were Edith Armacost, This year, as in other years, the women offi., Ruth Field, Carlyn Gompf, Betty Helm, ciated at the annual winter carnival in Bal- Ethel Barnes, Letitia Bogan, Kathryn Fertig, timore, at the field meets, and in the Carroll Dorothy Brown, and Blanche Scott. County high schools. Looking forward to next year the W. A. A. RUTH FIELD Board said farewell to its senior members ELLENE EDMOND On, hundmi tv.'mty-Jour
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