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of-the different class teams. Members of the Spring athletics opened with girls partici, varsity basketball team from the senior class pating in softball, tennis, archery, golf, and were Ruth Field. Dorothy Brown. Carlyn horseback riding. Horseback riding, a recent Gompf and Blanche Scott; from the junior new edition to the sports program, became class Betty Brown, Ellene Edmond. There increasingly popular this year. Instead of were no representatives from the present attending regular gym classes, the women sophomore class. but the freshmen contribu., were allowed to take horseback riding twice ted three players who' were Marie Steele. a week. These classes were divided up into Lois Guba, and Mary Louise Sehrt. beginners, intermediates, and advanced. This The volley ball championship, although highly contested for, fell into the hands of the seniors. A splendid record is held by the seniors in that they have won the volley ball championship for three years, and also won the laurels of first place in hockey, basketball and baseball for the past year. Members of the varsity volley ball team were Dorothy Brown, Virginia Wigley, Ruth McVean, Carlyn Gcmpf Kathryn Fertig. Ruth Field, Ellen Logan, Emily Linton, Ellene Edmond, Jeanette Wigley, Ethel Barnes, and Grace Morris. F~"Jl row: Lefr to Kalar, V?lImer, Gatchell, togall, Rakes. SewIJI(row: Left to right: GIbbs, J. WIgley, Wllhams, V. WIgley, Edmond. activity has become so popular that in all probability points will be given next year for those who participate in it. Soft ball which is the major sport of the spring is in the limelight while tennis is run- ning a close second in bidding for the women's participation. The seniors have high hopes of winning the softball title which is the last Onehundrrdlf<'ml)'_IWO
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