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half, Maryland took advantage of the Ter; Traveling to North Carolina the following ror's dearth of reserves to score in eyery Saturday night to meet their strongest op_ possible way, garnering a touchdown, an ponent of the season,' the Wake Forest extra point, a safety, and a field goal from the Deacons, Western Maryland went down to tired Western Maryland team. defeat, 66-0. Led in their attack by Ringgold On the following Saturday, Western Mary- and Polanski, the Deacons scored almost at land lost a home game to a determined Mount will. The defeat was nothing to be regretted, St. Mary's team, 21-6. The Mounts were however, since the Terrors were greatly out- coached bv a former Western Marylander, classed and realized that they stood only an Bull Draper. The Terrors scored first, and outside chance. Ed Elder, with a sprained led, 6-0, until the Mounts retaliated with ankle, received the team's only injury. three consecutive touchdowns. After several October 27 was the date of the Boston Uni- valiant attempts by the Terrors to gain versity game at the Baltimore Stadium. The ground were foiled by loss of the ball on Beantown team won the contest, 6-0, in a downs, the home team offered no serious game marked by several weird plays. Twice threat. a backfield man attempted to pass and had ALL-MARYLAND I'IKE STROPP
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