Page 105 - YB1940
P. 105
I·'IGHT! W.M.C. A gun shot. . roll of drums ... eleven stalwart, fearless figures hurl themselves down the field ... a multitude of discor- dant voices melt into one. one voice ... one idea .. W. M.l Rah! Rah!. kickoff. A whistle .. hushed calm ... curious expectancy ... a bruised figure picks itself up and makes its way to the side- lines ... a multitude of shouts become one. one shout one spirit ... Rah! Rah! Rah! Bob! timeout. Signals ... vibrant air ... 1-2-3 . eleven tense forms shift, buck the hole is made ... he's through away ... a multitude of victorious souls share one victory ... Maryland! Maryland! HOD-rah Maryland! ... touchdown.
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