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MARTI·IA l\IAUIHNE ENGLE "Pnl" w. IV. Grantsville. Maryland Biology and Nigh School Sciencrs SI. MarY·.1 Seminary lVestern Mrrryiand Prepuralory School "Nature ulone i1nows what she wants." AT" is a familiar name to humor would dispel the gloom the Class of '28. She is one from any situation. [m of the survivors of "Prep" Only those who know "Pat" School Days," and has can appreciate the depth of her na- helped to initiate her class into the ture. She is a biological student: fun and frolics of W. M. C each little creeping insect receives Everywhere she is greeted with a her praise and protection. Can she smile and a cheery "how-de-do." stick to the science of insects? We Fun? She's chuck full of it. She wonder. because there are some keeps the whole place in a con- human beings who need protec- tinual uproar. Her keen sense of tion, too, and only "Pat" will do
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