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GLAOYS IHENE 1-IAl\Il\'IE "1-ltllllIllC" Hanover, Pennsylvania La,in-Jl;lafhema'rcs Hanover Uigh&hool Y. W, C. A, '25, '26. '27, '28; Eagles Mere Ddcg~lc '27; CIJSS Basketball '28; Sunday School: Philcmathean Literary Society Honorable Mention '26 '27 - BUI "hehado(lenlried Thai /lnd Ih~re "he would /lbid!-," HE Latin and M:llh".matics earth: she will do anything for shark - that's Gladys! anybody; she will give away any- Never before has a girl been thing she has. in the most non- ~ found who is willing [0 chalanr way. spend so much time on her tr~ns- Gladys usually has her own idea lations and her proble m-sol ving. about any topic or person. and al- She is a leader in scholastic ability. though she has been known to -and yet is not a bookworm, So change. she usually remains faith- much for Gladys, the student. ful to her original idea, unless Gladys. the fun-lover, is an en- thoroughly convinced that she is tirely different type of. ~erson. ,51,1(' wrong. Her independence of char- is always ready and willing to J01.o acter and firmness of purpose are in on any kind of fun, Gladys IS sure to make her successful in one of the most generous souls on whatever she may attempt in life,
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