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DOROTHY LYLE GILLIGAN "Dol" W.w. Washington, 0, C. £nqlish and French Central J-hqh School Gold Bug Reporler '25, '26, '27: Ncws Edilor Gold Bug '28: \V, W, Seen-lary '26 President '28; Secretary Intcr_Club Council '27. Member '28: S~crClary Studcnt Govcrnment '26: Vi(~-Presid~llt Stud~nt Govemrncru Boa rd '28: Pr.~idcnt, Sh"kespeMc Club '27: Treasure! French Club '28: Philom,11he.,n Literary SOCiClY. SecrNHY '26, President '28: Speech Contestant 25, '26: Scc.erv Contestant '27: Society DcbJlu '26: Varsity Debater '28: Poets' Club '25, '26, '27, '28: Powder Puffs '25, '26, '27, '28: Choir '25, '26, '27, '28: Class Basketball '27 '28: Class Vice-President '26: CI,Hs Prophetess '26, '27, '28: v, W. C. A, Delegate to Eagles Mere '27: v, \V. C. A. Cabinet '25: HonotJbl~ Mention '25, '26, '27: Hiking Club '27: J, G. c.: Tri-Pi: G, S, 0.: Volleyball. for success she seemed, grace to win, wirh heart 10 hold. shining qirl$ Ihal look all ryes," ORN for success? There gages, A glance at her record will isn't a doubt about it, Ever show her versatility, her popu- since she came to colle~e Dot larity. and the confidence that ~ has been succeeding III the people have in her, things she has undertaken Her And is this all hish luck? She. classmates marvel at her ability, may be Irish (she says she is). but Nothing "stumps" her. not even those who know her best know, being thrown off the same horse too, that she works for and de- twice in one hour. Unusually serves everything which comes her heavy schedules have no terrors for way. We wish for her the best her. She makes" A's" in spire of things of life, and feel sure that them, and of the many extra-cur- she will get them. ricular activities in which she en- F'ijtll"'Re
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