Page 49 - YB1928
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AUTHUIt BEALL CECIL "'Cecil" 11 A 1\ Highland, Maryland Cllcmi.~lr!l O"'ksville High School Irving Literary Society Vice-President '27. Secretary '28 President '28; Business Manager Gold Bug '26, '27: Reponer '25, '26: Freshm~n Football '25: Varsity Football Squad '26, Varsity Football '27: Science Club: IntuĀ·fr,llernlty Council: Cadet Captain R. 0, T, C.. Com- mander Company A: II A A Fraternity, Gamma, MasIn Ceremonies: Class Football '24, '25 Class B,lsketball '24, 25, '26, '27: Class Baseball '27: Officers Club: Varsir y Club: Montc Carlo '28, ECIL-a man who once and loyal friendship that is al- known is not easily forgot- ways the mark of a rea! man, ten, What causes this last- These traits of a high type of ~ ing impression? It is this character have won for Cecil many -Cecil has the high standards of friends who wish for him great honor, and the capacity for true success on the journey of life,