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CHt\RLES LUTHER GOOOHAl\'D "Clta.-lie" I! A A Chester, Maryland Pr~-Mcdiml Stevensville High School Y. M, C. A., Cbai-man Mcmb~"hip Committee '17. Vice-President '28: Science Club '26, '27, President First Semester '18: Jesters '27, President '28: Student Council '16, Chair- m~n Honor Committee '28: Secretary OfficersClub '28: Secretary of Webster Literary Society :~:,: ,~~s,o~~~e:E~~~~rtyOfW~;~t7tn~1~2:5~C~!~~i~~~~alfr:~;B~s~~~llb.a~~,'2_~~,~~7:t~2~~0~~:;; Lieutenant R. O. T, C. '28 "To Ii,;. in hearts we leave hehind, !& not /0 die." lI ~nown among as his intimates, is vim. make On the football field he did Charles 00DIE," any not in the touchdowns char- of excellent IS a man ways game played acter. He is not one who last minutes to the play, but hard he and al- shines like an early morning sun, fair. but in his sober way, he is great- In the vice-president of the ness itself. Many have said that Y. M, C. A., in the Jesters' presi- the greatest men are the most mod- dent. and in the honor chairman, est. That is indeed true with we find the same Charles-c-hon- "Goodie." He does everything he or-able. respectful and determined. tackles with determination and a great man and a better friend. F;f~/J-t'vo
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