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UELEN EUGENIA BUTLEH. "Helen" Baltimore, Maryland His/ory and Eng/ish Ells/ern High Schoo/ J,.G, C. Treasurer '28 Y. W. C. A, '24. '25. '26; Philcmarbean Literary Society ce-. respondIng Secretary '26; Shakespeare Club; Class Basketball '26. '27 '"Fain would I b. of seruiCl'-say somelhing Ihal would b~ tomiOrling" telligence. and human understand- [illH~~;. f~he:e~~~s th~~~ifi~ ing can all be found together. She ~ anything to be done. Helen is conscientious and works hard is always on the spot. Her for all her classes. This trait, how- unfailing energy and her unending ever. does not interfere with a good patience have often astonished time. for she is always ready for those with whom she has worked. some fun. She can appreciate the Original ideas abound in her bead. moods of others. enter wholeheart- and once originated. you may rest edly into sport. or offer her ready assured that she will see them com- sympathy when it is needed. pleted with a flourish. When Above all. Helen is loyal! When Helen heads a committee. the work you have her for a friend. you is always done-yes. dependable have a friend indeed. May joy is the word. and success be with you. Helen. Helen. with her light hair and through life. blue eyes. proves that beauty, in-
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