Page 51 - YB1928
P. 51
MAlty ESTELLE nHVOEN "Mary" Buckeystown, Maryland fiislory urnl English Annapolis High School Phi!O!mthe~n Literary Society: Y. W. C. A. '26, '27: Sunday School 26. '27: Poets' Club '27: Tre~stlrrr '28: J_ G. c.. Sh.kespeare Club '28 Sometimes genl/e. somer/mes capricious .. has a personality mJ ARY irresistible. It is that rollicking good humor! sympathy, But the her thing lovable is most laughing eyes that first at- is her about Mary Witty tract your attention. and vivacious, serious and digni- coupled with good common sense, Many a hard knot has been untied fied, now tantalizing, now sympa- by her unfailing appreciation of thetic-Mary Estelle is as caprici- what is right or wrong. Her frank- ous as an April day. It takes ness and sincerity have made for scarcely one minute for her to set her true friends-friends who will a serious crowd to laughing, Just never forget her. try to be solemn when she is in a I"ortu-.eoo-n
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