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CHARLES TRISTRAM HOLT History "Charlie" Baltimore, Maryland Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Irving Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Black and White Club; Varsity Football, '22, '23, '24; Varsity Baseball, '22, '23, '25; Varsity Tennis, '25; Class Baseball, '23, '25; Class Football, '22, '23; Class Basketball, '22, '23, '24, '25; Jesters, '23; Officers' Club. "And to his eye 'There was but one beloved face on earth, And that was shining on him." "CHARLIE" came to us from Baltimore, where his wise remarks enlight- ened the shining lights of the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute by reveal- ing to the startled professors new mathematical truths. He came to us with innocent mien, with aspect unassuming, with cherubic countenance-all indicative of the meek and lowly Freshman. But signs proved false. This paragon of mildness was but a wolf in sheep's clothing. This shy and bashful lad became suddenly metamorphosed into a dar- . ing, clever, and ingenious practical joker. His shocking perpetrations have made college history, while his clever pranks have ridiculed more than one of the tra- ditions of the college, He has the record of having played more pranks than any other student in the college. However, the jocular side of "Charlie's" college life is not overmarkedly pre' dominant. He 1San athlete of cons1derable .ability, h1Scare-free and peppery attitude mst1llmg life and fight into the varsity football teams for the last few years. His keen brain has called forth considerable comment in the classroom where it has been n~~iced that; despit~ a marked inclination toward the free and easy life, he always knows his stuff. [62}
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