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JOHN DONALD MAKOSKY English "Mac" Newark, New Jersey South Side High School Irving Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Presi- dent Black and White Club; Frederick County Club; Y. J. C.; Class Football, '23; Class Base- ball, '23; Class Basketball, '25; Associate Editor College Newspaper, '24; Manager Intercollegiate Debating, '25; ALOHA Staff. "Ye gods! annihilate but space and time, And ma~e two lovers happy." "MAC" entered Western Maryland in his Sophomore year from the Webb School of Naval ArchItecture. Upon his arrival he pro- ceeded to make a host of fnends who perceived his keen and logical mind, and his intellectual and scholarly gifts, and the great value of his friend- ship. On the surface "Mac" seems cold, and the casual observer is often at a loss to understand him, but to those of his classmates who have been able to get into his true nature and make the acquaintance of the real "Mac" no tribute to his friendship is too high. He is a friend in spite of circumstances. Once a friend, always a friend. In his Junior year he was largely responsible for the founding of the first newspaper on the "Hill," and as one of the editors of it he took a firm stand, against great odds, for a rebirth of his college from the traditionalism and retro- gression of the past. He has been stamped by his class as a type of man who possesses keen per- ception and analysis !are intellectual powers, and the still rarer mental process of scholarly discnmll1atlon. [59]
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