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CHARLES EDWARD BISH Chemistry . "Charley" Westminster, Maryland Western Maryland Preparatory School President Irving Literary Society, '25; Black and White Club; Y. M. C. A.; Inter-Society De- bater, '22, '23, '24; Inter-Society Orator, '24; Class Football, '23; Class Baseball, '24, '25; Business Manager College Newspaper, '24; Man- ager Wrestling '24; Officers' Club; Inter-Colle- giate Debating Council, '25; Inter-collegiate De- bater, '24, '25. "We have been friends together In sunshine and in shade." W HEN "Charley" entered the Freshman class it did not seem like a new step for him, nor was he unknown to the college, for he had been walk- ing the campus paths for three years already as a "Brute." Accord- ingly, in his Freshman year he was chosen as a society debater and thereby ob- tained prominence in the eyes of the student body. During his Sophomore year he began to 100mlarge in the eyes of the college as an orator of coming ability. But it was in his Junior year that he made himself felt on the campus. His crowning achievements, those by which his name will be remembered, were: first, to establish the Inter-Collegiate Debating Council, and second, as the leader and director of the Irving Literary Society Debating team to defeat Web- ster three years in succession, an unprecedented accomplishment. At all times a leader, yet ever willing to get behind and push with the rest; at all times progressive, yet conservative in his views. . [61]
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