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BENJAMIN WILSON PRICE Chemistry "Ben" Baltimore, Maryland Western Marylan d Preparatory School Webster Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Bach- elors' Club; Class Football, '22; Class Baseball, '23, '24; Class Basketball, '25; ALOHA Staff; Jesters, '22, '23, '24, '25; Officers' Club. "The pleasure of love is in loving." IX years ago "Ben" entered the pre]:) school and the years that have passed SInce that event and his graduation have witnessed many remarkable S changes both in the college and in "Ben." A casual observer who saw both the college and "Ben" six years ago would not recognize either in all their rami- fications. For the college has broadened out from a small sectarian school to a nationally accredited college. In just such proportion has Wilson changed from a shy, timid, subfreshman to a full-bred, high-toned college man. His intellect has broadened so that instead of now thinking of New Freedom as the center of the universe he can take in vaster spaces and now claims that either Connellsville or Sullins is the garden spot of the world; he does not care which. His proficiency lies in the realm of music, and he has long graced the campus and won the applause of the multitude by his beautiful rendition of "Sweetheart of Sizrna Chi." In fact, the production has been on such a high plane that we are l;d to say that his life will be happy if he carries the inspirer of this sonc with him through life 'mid the roses and the thorns. .., [63J
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