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PAUL RECKER KELBAUGH History "Kelly" Thurmont, Maryland Thurmont High School Webster Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Black and White Club; Frederick County Club; Class Historian, '24; Student Council, '22, '23, '24; Varsity Baseball Team, '22, '23, '24, '25; Wrest- ling Team, '24; Monthly Staff; Member Debat- ing Council, '25; Inter-Society Contestant, '22, '23, '24; Inter-collegiate Contestant, '25; Inter- collegiate Debater, '24; Officers' Club; Honorable Mention, '22, '23. "None bHt himself can be his parallel." V ERSATILITY! Scholar! Athlete! Humorist! Orator! "Kelly" was visited upon us by the borough of Thurmont, where the cowboys hunt Indian turnips and the "hoopee" warbles in the under- brush. In his four years of isolation from the world he has participated in every sport, indoor and outdoor, and in them all he has proved himself an expert. In the inter-society oratorical contest of '24 "Kelly's" powerful presentation of the prohibition problem, "The Leak in the Dike," stirred the stolid agricul- turists from their lethargy and precipitated a spontaneous outburst of applause in the middle of the speech, an occurrence unprecedented in the annals of the contest. His speech in the Jesters' show of '25, "Dumbness," was also a triumph of ridiculous originality, a striking contrast to the sublimity of his oratory, yet a sparkling jewel of perfection in its own peculiar field. A letter man in baseball; a Lochinvar galloping through many a maid's air castles; a debater and orator of power and personality; a musician of no training, but unequaled ability; and above all, a comedian whose dry humor and unfailing happy perspective have won for him the hearts of all who know him. [57J
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