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CLIFFORD HOMER RICHMOND Greek Bridgeton, New Jersey Webster Literary Society; Elocution Contest for Government Prize, '21, '22; In- ter-Society Debate, '22; Inter-Society Ora- torical Contest, '23; Intercollegiate Orator, '23, '24; President Senior Class, '22, '23; Secretary Webster Literary Society, '23; President Webster Literary Society, '24; As- sistant Editor "The Aloha." I HI would my horse had the speed of your tongue." SON of Caesar from the Mosquito State captivat€d us at the be- ginning of our Freshman year. He stood out in almost every subject, but his greatness was at its height when it came to ora- tory. He had the faculty of using his head as only the products of New Jersey, including mosquitos, can do. It was during his Freshman year that Kidder's ability as an author reached flood tide. He wrote about three volumes a week, but no one ever read those volumes except a lassie in New Jersey who was the inspiration for them. Soon Cupid's darts found their mark, and our chum took a com- panion whose sterling qualities will do much to aid him in his chosen call- ing, the ministry. With a flow of oratory seldom equalled on the hill, with an always thoughtful, never hasty disposition, and with a personality that one can not help but envy, the future seems to beckon our class president who will, be- yond doubt, make himself felt throughout the religious and intellectual worlds. Fifty-seven I
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