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FRANK WILLIAM MESSLER , History "Frank" Union Bridge, Md. Westminster High School Irving Literary Society; Cadet Major ill Command of Battalion; Advisory Board; Business Manager of Jesters, '23; Chair- man of Sophomore Rules Committee; As- sistant Manager of Baseball; Varsity Foot- ball, '21, '22, '23, '24; Class Football; Class Baseball; Rifle Team; Officers Club; Jesters; Charter Member Petitioning for Scabbard and Blade; Varsity Club. I "I am one per cent. genius ] am 99 per cent. foolish." RANK hails rom Union Bridge, a well-known city located among the foot-hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. He joined our hap- py family in September, 1920. Westminster, however, was not a new place to him. Having attended the High School here four years, Frank was quite familiar with college ways, and had quite an advantage over us when we had to warble "How Green We Are." Frank is an all-round college man, prominent in athletic, scholastic, military and social activities. In fact, he is into almost everything. In our most cherished sport he is a vet, having been on the football squad four years. In military, Frank has the highest honor that can befall one. He is major of our Battalion and we all know that he rightfully deserves this position. It is whispered around that he may wield a saber in the battle of life. Frank was manager of the "Jesters" last year and it was due to his un- tiring efforts that the organization was such a success. In Social life here at college he has been quite a sheik. Nuf sed-It is taken for granted that you know he is a member of the apartments. Here's wishing you the best of success, Frank, whether in military, mathematics, money-making or matrimony. Fifty-three
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