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RAYMOND S. MATHEWS History Fulton, Md. Clarksville High School Western Maryland Preparatory Webster Literary Society; Vice-President Class, '22, '23, '24; Student Council, '22; As- sistant Business Manager Aloha; Athletic Editor Monthly, '23, '24; Secretary Officers Club; Operations Officer Cadet Corps; Prep. School Soccer Club; Varsity Baseball, '22, '23, '24; Varsity Basketball, '23, '24; Class Baseball, Basketball, Football, '21, '22; Of- ficers Club; Scabbard and Blade; Varsity Club, "A mighty pain to love it is And 'tis a pain that pain to miss, But of all the pains, the greatest pain Is to love and love in vain." AYMOND MATHEWS, better known as "Matty", came to us way back in the dark ages of the second year prep. He has followed us through our Senior year, as our vice-president. "Matty" hails from down Howard County way and he's a Southerner "Sho Nuf." Matty is just the kind of fellow we all like. He is a good student, an all-round athlete, above the average religiously, not overbearing in his attitude, sincere in every re- spect and not very foolish in love. These are qualities which many of us strive to gain, but only a few attain. In our Sophomore year Matty was our representative on the student council. Matty is majoring in Educa- tion and is doing his practice teaching at the preparatory school where he is acting principal. He gets many "Helpful Hints" in teaching from his daily trips to Silver Run, where he is interested in a High School project. He has a well- trained Ford which knows the Emmitsburg road so well that it can navi- gate without assistance from the driver in the wee small hours of the morn- ing. As assistant business manager of the Aloha he has contributed hand- somely to make it a success. At the close of his college course he is plan- ning to make a trip to California, adopting the slogan "California or bust." We are sure that this trip will materialize, since Matty has the happy fac- ulty of doing all that he sets out to do. Fifty-two
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