Page 70 - YB1924
P. 70
HORACE HUTCHINS WARD History "Hutch" Owings, Maryland Irving Literary Society; President The- ology, '24; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Vice-Presi- dent Irving, first te~m; President Irving, second term; Chaplain of Irving, '21, '2~' Treasurer of Theologians, '21, '22; Secre~ tary Theologians, '23; Class Baseball, '21 '22. ' J HE subject of this sketch, H. H. Ward, or "Hutch," is probably liked and respected by more men at W. M. C. than any other member of the Senior class. Being popular isn't a job or a pose. It's not striven for-it's just this, Hutch tries to be helpful. He is kindly because he is so by nature, but withal he is not soft nor wishy-washy. In person, Hutch in a refined, quiet way is as fastidious, neat and careful of his personal appearance, his room, and his belongings as any story book retired sea captain. In a modest; honest way Hutch hopes to become a minister and holds decided views as to what is right or wrong. An ardent Y. M. C. A. man, belongs to the ministerial association, but isn't narrow, bigoted, or radical. There is no sham to Hutch, but with it all he is outspoken in his liberalism. Old Hutch, may you always have as good and true friends in life as you have earned in college. Not one of your classmates will but wish you godspeed and good luck. Sixty-two
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