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HOWARD WALTON NEWNAM, JR. Political Science "Hawkshaw" Oxford, Md. Oxford High School Webster Literary Society; President Web- ster Literary Society, '24; Editor-in-ChIef Y. M. C. A., '24; Religious Editor Aloha; Business Manager W. M. C. Monthly, '24; Pianist Y. M. C. A., '24; Social Chairman, '24; Lieutenant R. O. T. C.; Delegate Sil- ver Bay Conference, '23; Society Prelim., '22; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, '24; Dramatic Club; Officers Club; Derby Club. I "Loves of great men all remind us We can make Our loves divine, And, departing leave behind us Broken darts O'Y/J sands of time." (With! apologies to Longfellow) HE gentleman. whose picture you gaze upon, came from a little Burg on the Sho' known as Oxford. His ability as a detective became apparent in the freshman year when many jokes were played and many traps were set for him, but in vain; for How- ard always knew who had set them and why. Because of this talent the nickname "Hawkshaw", which title he still holds, was bestowed upon him. Hawkshaw has held many positions but of all the positions he held there is one which stands out paramount-the Presidency of "Webster". He worked untiringly at his post and results as never before known were produced. The membership increased rapidly and men, who had not seen the need of Society, followed his example in making this activity a vital part of every true W. M. C. student. We hold out to Hawkshaw only one crown but that crown with several jewels; success in law, success in love, and success in anything he undertakes. Fifty-fout
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