Page 68 - YB1924
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JESSE EDWIN STONE Chemistry Emmitsburg, Md. Webster Literary Society; President Rifle Club, '24; Black and White Club; Advisory Board, '23; Manager Basketball, '23' Offi- cers 'Club; Business Manager B. and W. Pa- per; Class Football, '20, '21; Class Basket- ball, '20; Rifle Team, '22, '23, '24. I "Jess was on a railroad track The train was coming fast; Jess stepped off the railroad track And let the train go past." ESS is the oldest and youngest member of our class. That sounds either impossible or like he is in a class by himself, but neither is the case, for Jess came on the hill seven years ago, into the first year prep and has been a loyal supporter or Western Maryland ever since. He will graduate the youngest in years. He dropped in from Emmitsburg in the fall of 1917 and since that time has been an honor to his class and college. He was the com- petent and thorough manager of last year's basketball team and is also a business manager of the Black and White, our weekly paper. On the parade field Jess has lost. his envied and honorable position as Color Guard, having been raised to a Second Lieutenant. He is president of the rifle team and a mean shot in the bargain. In parlor Jess is a faith- ful Romeo, going astray very seldom. He leads the styles on the boys' side, and is a member of the apartments. Here's best wishes for success in life, Jess. Sixty
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