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Baltimore, Md. MABEL GOSHELLE CARRISON, . "1'he fool·killer misses" re\~ pe<:>ple~very yenr,"-P>-o/"_'sO" IValls The most demure and uuassumlug little maid who ever eatne to W. IiI. C. Is painfully shy, especially when compelled to appear on the stage, at which times she is the very picture of distress. As sue is the YOtll1gest girl ill the class and of such a nature that she can'L even speak for herself, a\\ the girls try to assist her as lllllCh as possible, so she won't be imposed on. Speaks French fluently and Wilh a perfect accent, knowing all the words in Spier's and Surellll"'s Dictionary and all Sadler's idioms; so that she can say" Un autre pllm.v?" distinctly and without at II ruere gtauce frOIll Madame. Doesu't study, but al-Iays gets go,eI marks, for she stands in some of Doc's lineal descendauta thcrefore with Doc, therefore with the Faculty. Has never heen known to he on time for any mcal, recitation, church service, entertainment or any of this institution's perfOTllla!l~es since she came here, and that is the truth. In spite of the apparent timidity mentioned above, she is, in truth, the most conceited girl in the class; but, perhaps, is justified in this, for she has a nUUl- ber or accomplishments, music predominating. Also, she has a striking appearance and takes an excellent picture, especially when posing decollete, with the eyes rolled upward at an angle of 66 0 from the horizont'll, and a large white bow 011 top of a picturesque pompadour. At times is quite obliging, aud is always willing to help n friend to pony. MARY KATHLEEN GOODING, Chestertown, Md. The only real lunatic we call boast. She is lIubalal)ced on several subjects, chiefly Roosevelt Rud the negro question. Suffers lIIost at election time and when the moon is full. She has a most irritating habit "f staring point.hlauk at a person, and many after gelting a bead on a classmate with her piercing coal-black eyes, she has kept her writhing nuder power for forty minutes, thus materially lowering the said victim's history mark, not to mention the serious and peTtllllnent injnry done to the nervous system. This phenomenon gives the 1I10st frequent, voluble alld eloquent reports ever attempted in a history recitation, anrl call tell the 11I0st side-splitting jokes you ever heard, and she knows hUII- drerls, all different and new. Is the ultimate authority on all constructions of the Englisll language and the prouuuciation of words of the same tongue, invariably using the broad a. Has hlack. curly hair, which she dresses in an indefiuite knot just over the left ear (Ii Ie. mysterious dimples. Lives up to her motto, vClennliness is next to godliness." After the man tier of an afflicted mind, every night before retiring she makes investigations in the vicinity of the bureau, bed, wardrobe, washstand, table, rocking-chair, another chair and two cracker-boxes covered with cretonne, ill order to ront out auy nocturnal marauders who may have concealed themselves for purposes of unlawful plunder - - 71 - -
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