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IRMA SCOTT BIlYANS, . Pocomoke, Mel. "Holy. holy. holyl"-Lli~I£. Our good little girl never does anything and reads two chaplers Three limes has she read the scriptures Irom can recite muuy chapters rs an indefatigable Sunday-school aud church wcc ker and is connected with a umuberof religious organizations, among which are the Y. W. C. W. C. 1'. U., the X. Y. Z. and the P. D. Q. Irma is a conscientiously diligent and marks. In logic it is her delight to start some abstruse argument with" What Not." keep it up until they both get so helplessly entangled that appeal for assistance from the rest of the class. Is one of our pelite girls aurl trips along wilh a springing step. a copy of the locomotion of Miss 1. C. Irwin, of the Art Department. Is noted for a most melodious laugh of the gnrgling variety, and has a peculiarly shaped aperture for and speakiug: thought to be the result of the administration of remonstrances during rrlI1a's her natural guardians. At each temple she has the cutest little curls, prepared the previous night by an application either of an edition of one of tile dailies, bnt the curls are cute, just the same. She is an assiduous student of music, friend of " !\fidget," who hails from the same to\\'n. Ba.l tiruorc, Md. JESSIE LEE COCRRAN, "Thy h~nd 1. as ["II of q"arrds as nH egg i. full of n,eat."-Ro""o a"'{J"Ii~I. Our monkey. It can work its counlenance into the weirdest aud most diabolical heard of, and with the assistance of its the resulting representation is Exercises this talent chiefly on members of wilo, being engaged and 110t turned in the direction of the performance, miss a golden opportunity. Jess is as quarrelsome as It Frenchman and can !ling the most acute. venomous retorts at anyone who dares to disagree with her. Is crazy over boys. Thinks of nothing else urorniug, noon and night. Is fickle, except in one instance. shallow and thoughtless as the painted butterfly that flits from flower to flower. In recitations always gives the same answer to all questions, which is, "Ah-ah-Illhy-ahelll-ah-." Has the bdghlest of brown eyes, and is an experl at ogling. Cnn slug like a call1lry bird, end is a nutural-boru In basket ball she has made a record as goal-pitcher, never having missed one yet, except those she didn't hit. Whcn it is necessary, she can assume a most imperious and dignified 1I1:I1111er, having taken lessons from" Sister'." Is a loyal member of the Browning Society, and will always be gratefully remembered for the efficiency with which she served as its President. - - 69 - -
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