Page 71 - YB1903
P. 71
Eow ARD EUGENE T ARR, . Marion,1VId. "Eddy's too litlle 10whi\tle- Gh'~ him some raspberry ia"'; Puton hi~bib, put him ;"to hi" crib. Aud feed hi", 0" dOl'gh"uts and hnUl."_Nu,-se>,)' Rhp'u.l 'rhe cla ss haby, alias genius number eleven. When he reached college with his bib aud his crib he was 0 so youthful-mentally, we mean. He immediately fell in love, which was about the sanest tbing he has ever done. He looks uiuch like a child of threc, but he acts more like a child of two. His upper lip is always dirty-looking; he. has either been eating jam or he is trying to raise a mustache. If the latter hypothesis, which we advance timidly, call find enough facts to support it, the mustache embryo ought to be erased. Which is just the evil fate that so befell the" innocent iuue craylhur" one afternoon when it be- came too much ill evidence; as a few of his friends, pityiug him for his infatuation, removed one-half of it with a razor and, having thus branded the porker, turned him loose to freely roam. FANNIE ;VIAY A\,I~ES, . Parkton, Md. "G;vellto hosp;tality."_Bihit Fannie Ayres in English, ill French, Fannie Hairs. The class photographer and cateress. Has taken flashlights and snapshots of the 1903 girls in every conceivable attitude and costume, in every room of the college building and every nook and comer of the campus and porches. From inuumerable "boxes" received Irom home, she has treated her hungry classmates to more" spreads" than lilly other girl in the class. Is always entertaining visitors: for from her chamber window one can obtain e chururing view, the loveliest expanse of slate roof. beautiful yellow chimneys, and what not. Is a studious member of the scientiflc section. always receiving good reports, which she posts on the bulletin board immediately on her retnrn to school after the holidays. Has become rouud·shouldered from habitually peering on the ground as she walks along to see if she can't find nnygreen worms or grasshoppers for" Rolly." If yon want to see Fnnuie in her element, look in the doer of the chemical laboratory. Through a cloud of 1I0Xl0llS vapors you catch a glimpse of" gigantic gingham apron en\'elopi!!g a figure appueully making a desperate attempt to thrust its nose ill a test-tube held carefully over a Bunsen burner. That's Fannie doing experiments. Has a marvelous growth of hair. consisting chiefly of Ii good-sized blonde rat, wire hair-pins, a number of combs and black taffeta. Lows. As a inusiciau she is inferior only to Sarupaix. Mozart and Mabel. - - 68
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