Page 69 - YB1903
P. 69
Jor'IN SCO'M' HURLEY, Seaford, Del. "Why,whrown'stein'ofbeer."-tll0J·Q".,." Oh, the trouble it is to introduce nud tc be introduced! But we know fnll well, dear reader, (llat you are just with impatience to meet this sweet youth, and so we would acquaint you with genius number This hrazeu-cbeeked, opossuru-like, gutta-percha divinity came all the way from Nell' Jersey. long did he remain unknown to fame, but ai once established an intimacy with Hinds & Noble, who say that he is the best of his kind, and marvel that III' is not from Ken- tucky. He can add two to two and have five as n result, with somebody else out one. Another odd- itv of his character is his liability to hook lunch. Strange, is it not, that he is never arrested for st~aling. Hi~ vocation is making covers, covers for desks, bureaus and every imaginable article of furniture, which he works at some thirty hours a week. The world, in its estimate of a divinity stu- dent, expects a diviue unture in the student. The t ruth does not always justify the belief. Any acquaiutollce with Our nero would shatter it. His saintliness is mOre like a fox chase; anrl, in f~cl, there is a great halo about them both. In the fields of classical literature 01lThero is at home; firm on all four feet, he rejoices in stable equilibrium. Yet he ever reaches the recltatiou rootn last, aud for this has earned the souri, qcet of "cow's tai!." Here cudeth the reading of the lesson. 66 - -
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