Page 75 - YB1903
P. 75
MARY AGNES GORSUCH, Westminster, Md. "I "'"ytel1all!Ilyboll~s."-B;b1e. One of the three tOWI1 g:rls, and therefore a Favorite with the faculty. Has always conformed to 1111 rilles lrdd down by this august body, and for this has received a number of letters of commendation lit various times. Mury is the laziest member of the class (she has letters to prove this also); in fact, has never been kuowu to work for five consecutive minutes since the Sub-Itreslunan year. Moreover. she ;s a young lady who does e.rartly as she pleases, and would lile to have the sam" known. At times she grows extremely reckless ill words and actions. and has been the despair of the most eloquent evangel- ists who VIsit the M. E. Church, But all this must be overlooked, for she is the spoiled of a fond father indifference to although she is besieged with admirers, very attractive her bright eyes and coquettish She is a soda water fiend, drinking regularly each day two glasses before each meal , one after and four Or five during the evening, with extras thrown in on warm days. Although opposed to work, Mary is all enthusiastic naturalist, spelluiug all her spare time seeking' lizards, scorpions, fishwortns, spiders and centipedes for dissecticu and study, the last named hug being 11lorspecialty. Noted for having ball-and-socket joints at the elbow (the whole arm resembling a flail). At rare intervals she can be accused of doing kind acts. Has a mania for poodles. :vJ,\RIAN HANDY, Pocomoke, Md. "Almosttoo""'''llforsigh1.'ยท_f{l"gl.~a, Our dear little bally was frightened in infancy and never grew. As u consequence, she has been .. great care to the dass, particularly on the annual occasion of taking the class picture, lit which times boxes, stepladders, stools. etc.. must in order to brillg her face within the group. reduct's htr hearers to tears when on stage, and in recitations. by the pathetic inflection of \'oice at the end of eac-h sentence. 15 briglll, and studies all vacant periods. afternoons and evening study hours; hooks lights to study some more, arisillg each 11Iorning before daylight to give a final re- view to the day's lessons. Has been successful as a student, and wears the Sophomore class medal 011 n black ~tlil1g around her neck. Is ill everything she does, serious at al! times, and cultivates all air of aile of such iufautile proportioll~. UII- und unexpectedly, forgetting screw "1' her wee hit of a 1110\lth, cooing sweetest of baby tnnes. "Kiss Has kinky brown hair like Alma's and" Ella's," and a won- derfully hearty and whole-souled laugh when aroused Is absolutely Iudepeudent in all her actions, aud all her sural! body blazes with ambition. 72 - -
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