Page 78 - YB1903
P. 78
Elizabeth, N. J . ETHEL Kn:-.lOLEY TROUT, . .. Ala~, tlear love, I ~anDOLla~k thee twO hours."-A. Yo"Lik~If A blossom of extreme fragility. Says she thought this ittstitutioll was a sanitarium when she started here, bul we all know tbat that's all bluff, because she hales to study, being averse to all work of that kind, and so she plays off sick every time we have a hard lesson. which is once a rtuy, sometimes twice, Loves to play high tragedy. Once, thinking to create a sensation, she took a dose of poison and got fooled, for Ethel was the only one who felt the sensation. Noted for the length and frequency of her speeches in Society, and is the only girl in the class who writes her essays before the day en which they fall due, Said essays, when 110t 011 the advantages, benefits and attractions of kiudergarteus ncnde-utes, semi- naries, colleges and universities, are exhaustive discussions on SOUle profound rheological topic. Always leads the student-body into chapel and Alumni Hall entertainments, and is the first one to take her seat. Selects her friends carefully from a favored few, and insists Oil her own way. HilS whitish, frizzy hair, which she rearranges every forty minutes in the day. and II face beaming with iunccence. Not givell to frivolity, witb one exception, and that is boys. A long time did she withstand their charms, hnt at last Cupid's gun hit the mark and now she indulges in as great a hankering as anyone Leonardtown, Mil. ANNA ALMA \VA'I'HEN, "AS hen
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