Page 77 - YB1903
P. 77
ANNA rVIARIE SENSENEY, . Union Bridge, Md. "Hervery£TQwtlsarefairer£ar Than smiles of other maide". I1re."-Harllq CQI,ridge. "Maggie," the class belle. Is just too sweet, affectionate, kind-hearted and ohligiug : ill short, she is II dear. Has thc fluffiest hair lind several superfluous chins, which add to her beauty. But her stunt is dil1ljlillg, which is an effective adjunct to her perpt:tual smile. Sets the boys daft, aud ill general stlects her ~trikes from among higher classuren, in particular, two years higber. But still higher ~he goes. Once "lade a conquest in the faculty. "Pig" Turner, you know him: the man with the wiry wldskers and four eyes; he WIIS in love with her once. She is a musician of the first rallk, and can play as well as Saurpnix and almost as well as Mabel. She is also an artist. Just sails through history and political economy, bul this is nothing to wbat she used to do in psychology. She had a passionate Iond- ness for that aud for" Doc" also, by whom the feeling was reciprocated. Is dreadfully studious, and believes in that fable about the early bird and the worm. She is of a nervous temperament, and by the jerky, twisting movements of her hands has worn out all h",r neckties while giving history report~. Is almost as religious as Irma, and quite as mindful of decorum. Relieves in ghosts, fairies, goblins and the bad man, and is well versed in superstitions, aucieut, uiedioevel and modern. Cambridge, Md. IDELLA WI1'AERS TREDWAY, "0, let ",el,owl!1On1eheavynate, Somede"dly,daggedha·Nl."-IVeb'. Our sllver-thronted warbler. Has a rich contralto voice, and can make a more hideous noise than Emilia when practicing or taking les..qons ill the" gym." Is Fannie's auxiliary in her search after scientific truths, and is just as crazy over green wonns and grasshoppers, grey mountain moss and weeds For this reason she, together with Pnunie, is the especial pet and darling of " Dearie," the rear guard 01 the ~cientific phlilallx. Holds the college record for the length and stability of strik1es and auswere rue same principle as "Jess," her roommate. Is tall and slender !llld the only girl ill tht: who «ears '
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