Page 67 - YB1903
P. 67
ELWOOD AWrFrUR DAVIS, Wilmington, Del. "I will nev~r love that whid. my friend hate~-"_M"d, Ado Ahou/ No/!J!".!: Behold another genius, and oue who cometh from the State of Delaware-need we say more. A student of the stars, his thoughts are most sublime; and yet it is not in astronomy that he takes the most delight. Gastrot1(,my is much more to his taste, and dOllbt1e~s for this very reason his tickets at college are mainly soda tickets He is reputed to be verv fond of the 1I100U, possibly Oil account of its strong resemblance to He is an emi;lently practical student of life viewed froUl an ethical standpoint, has a hixh standarrl of mornls-crtuher up in the clouds, so to speak-which he occasionally and then he takes a vacation. He is the raconteur of the class, and often has a aud ence around him, applauding his bous mots and listeniug eagerly to the t1lrilling he loves so well to tell. A politician as be is. he takes an interest almost unbounded in the govern- ment of our great republic, and his political opinions mark him as a Republican al1li a sinner. 10l-IN BOWEK Bowxnos, Westminster, NId. "Til ""'"tOT "'ag""" "'" lie",," .s,"-Plaldu •. Silence, dear reader; with finger ou lips and all due reverence let I1S advance on tip-toe to gaze in silent awe upon genius number four. Genius indeed! A glance at his profile assures us that he will bdl1g the world to his feet. Why has he not done so a!readv? 0, perhaps he has a corn. See, his face has all the statuesque reposc' of a Chinese god, -all the secrecy of a Sphynx. He regards those about him with an air of profollud suspicion. as though they might have some vague intentions of stabbing him or trying to borrow five dollars. Those about him, feeling uncourfortnble, decide that he is a fool; but this is not necessarily true : indeed, this is not his own opinion, awJ he is certainly in a position to know_ No, he has never fallen ill love, because he cannot find his ideal. \Vhen he finds 'her she will fall on his neck and say, "0 my heart's idol-at last!" Then they will get married and he will find that she paints and wears a wig_ Yes, there is no doubt that he will become famons. How? Ah. that nobody can tell. He shows remarkable talent along a number of diverse lines, and neue of us have ever been able to fathom the heights or depths of his secret ambition. Failing loftier achievelltenls, he might become chess champion of the world, just to pass away his time and annoy Lasker, will this sketch is a failure because you do not understand lhe charflcter_ isttcs of this geuiue after all ; 64 - -
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