Page 66 - YB1903
P. 66
Wcstminsterr Md. FERl':ANI) BONNOT'l'E, This illustrious individual i~ a versatile genius of the Gallic genus. But, so well does he conceal his varied talents, the world will never know his true greatness. III Ulis respect he has the advantage of the world, for he is by no rneaus blind to his own virtues. ill his composition limn Rome ever conquered. His virtues-pardon our poor memory; his He. has a habit of puuniug which becomes him ill and is very wearing. We thiuk to ignite pIlns is II crime that should be punished severely; it could be tolerated, however, were. the iusnue cackle left out; but our hero never omits the cackle. As a rule, he IICIS and seems a more unmitigated zany than he really is-at least we hope so. He should be of great interest 1I1l(1assistance to all who support the doctrine of the trnusmigration of souls, for by his he would sup port their theory: since his spirit IIOW in the InUSCUIl1, properly stuffed and mounted, a card lying near, "Laughing Jackass." Since t.hen he ha~ changed lind laughs less frequently. Bnt we do not try to conceal a self-evident tTLIth-he is a bird. ROBrmT RICHARO CAn~IAN, Taylor, Md. "'To be w;~e, 3.ttd love, ";:ove."-Tmi'", alld CYP.JSil/n. This hrilliant but slightly eccentric genius is a very accomplished vocalist. And you know what thftt tueaus. His voice is of the rainĀ·barrel variety, and if it be taken as the standard of measurement, his cllaracter is very deep; but character is not to he measllred by sound alone. Also, he is an athlete of no mean ability, for we have seen him pick lip Iris feet with great agility when the occasion demanded. His fondness for eggs alld rural ex- excursions is well known to the farmers, who love to welcome him warmly to their ancestral estates. Some of the cotton-tails, for which he goes out hunting in the (fill, make hare_ breadth escapes; for the uielancholy truth is that, notwithstanding his good intentions, he aims far better than he knows, and thus is merciful to the "pOOL' little beastie," who rtms away Irighteued by the )loise, and is devoured by other vermin. But the most wonderful thing about our hero is his voice It wonld make his fortune off the misty and dangerous coast of Newfoundland. He is also quite a student of French and can recite "Delui at the hat" with all the appropriate ruoutbiuge and gestures. He runs the Champion Bluffer a dose second, as he is "some pumpkins" in thet way himself. - - 63 . -
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