Page 64 - YB1903
P. 64
o wad some power the giflie gie us To see others as they see themselves; It wad Irae mony sorrows free us, All gie \1Sa fine conceit 0' everybody. Tmay not be poetical because it is 110t true, but ifit really were so I'd be glad and so would you. I Since, as it is, T find it very difficult to say what marks a wise man must possess or what a plain fool may T think that I must be content and, reader, so must you, with telling sometimes what you'll like and sometimes what is true. I've been extremely careful to verify and moth: these sketches verv accurate and tr-ue,yet ean I break away from all that's proper and be so very free as not to let the para- graph and character agree. Oh, 110! I rather think I'll not-it really wouldn't do, for if the character be false how can the sketch be hue? So as the case at the present stands 1 guess it's up to me to play the faithful sexton to each one's pet vanity; or, if they have, as I suppose they have, a score or so, I'll bury - - 61 - -
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