Page 63 - YB1903
P. 63
•• 1903 Class 'Yells ~ ~ Class "'tell. I)istoyieal '\:eli. Chink ta, bo011lta, chink til, 1)00111te, Ge he, ge ha ha ho, Sis boom bi, Sumus undecimin uno, Western Maryland! Western Maryland! "Optimi. [')O3! History! iAdvw,..uv d~ To 7rpi)(J'8!v KG.AOI"l)'u8'frTI-'EV Rip. rah, rc, Class number three of the century! Chink ta tn, boom ta, boom ta la, bi, " Helle Lichte der tjesctnste." Hip, hurrah for 1903! Boom biddy, boom ba, doc do rlishte. "Hie, haec, hoc" 1100 )\'Iodet'n Language 'Yell. "l'etatc'estnous." voici, voici, les grands Seuiors, Rah hoc, dah hoo, Am beriikurtestensiud wir Menschen, Hip zoo, rahzoo, Modem Language do we study, Hip tiddy a koo, And to it we keep steady, AughLy-three (03) \Vas isl im Leben besser? Historical, rah Pour Iaire sou o;:hcmill ricu de Meilleur, 1903! 1903! Classical 'Yell. Scientific 'Yell. NumquaIu re adversa quassi Nobis scientin suunua 1l01ll10TlHll. Pars est optima ex:class! Dissapieutiull1, terror moronnn. Latin, Greek,einwelligDlltch, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Daltoll's law, Anglo-SaxOIlllOtso umch, Sodium, Potassium, Rah, Ralr, Rah' "Semper victor, who are we ! KuAoKU),o.OU1-virlues' worth, Ecr,.,.'" apirTTOI Prove ttSthe Nil Cl of earth. 7roAIl 1-'~)'I{fTf)1 Who are invincible? We, we, we! Classical! Cla-sical! Scieutific, Scientific, J903! 1903! 60 - -
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