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fall a victim to his wily charms. But one summer while wading through the sandy plains of "Anny Rannell" he felt the warmth of a "Shawl," and since then he bas found consolation in the numerous epistles fr0111 over the mountains. Parsons has been a hard student and an earnest worker in the V. 1[' C. A.; his sincere desire to cast a good influence on the hill has been recognized by all. and he is never so happy as when trying to show to others the power of n Christian lite. HOWARD SWAIN ROBl~SOl\, ToddYille, }.,ld. W. L. S.; President of W. L. S .. '02; Class President; Webster Orator. '01; Member of Foot Ball Team, '99, '00, '01; Student Delegate to State lnter- Col. Athletic Ass . ., Beyond the rolling Chesapeake lies the little county of Dorchester, From there r hail." This expression made in the old hall of Webster Literary Society in the autumn of '98 indelibly stamped the presence of "Robbie" among his classmates nt W, :\1. C. Prom the densely popu- lated (?) town of Toddville. Robinson came among us and entered 1902 in its Freshman year. A la rge prepossessing young man of twenty years, he was soon recognized as a leader, and in the orgauieation of the class t.he next vcar he was elected its president. During his first year at college a serious malady affected him-" a wind- mill in the stomach,') and this prevented his participation in athletics. But the next year found this disease cured, and the gridiron is proud 01 the record he has left. For three years the citadel of Robbie's heart remained impregnable to the darts or the fail' sex; in the Junior year he contiuually sang of Sweet l\Iaric-in vain. But, alas! in his Senior year the tender verses of a poet completely captivated him, and he became an ardent ad- mircr of" Long-fellow." In this year Robbie also paid a very close atten- tion to the town girls: he found them channing, so much so, that he was heard to say, "Oh, had I only known this in my Sophomore year." Robinson is also an ardent Republican and an orator, a healthy combina, tion for future greatness. H(,:N[~\' \\'ILSO:.! SAllLS[H'R\', , Denton, xtd. W. L. S.; Class I'oct ; Asst. Ed. of ALOIIA, '02; ~[gr. of Foot Ball Team, '01; Mgr. Basket Ball. '01; Pres_ of Chess Club, '02. ~9
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