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certain '02 boy has bowed at the shrine of" Iris," entreating her favor. As a result, in the Senior year the fair one condescended to smile quite often upon him. Ir-is is recognized as the most cap tivating girl in the class and at col, lege. Doubtless, Cupid imparted to her the secret, for more hear-ts have been pierced by his cruel bow and have sought divine healing at the feet of our goddess than anywhere else. A looking-glass is her chief delight, for she admires the art of reflection. Catching mice became quite a pastime in her Senior year; in this she has become quite a formidable rival to the girl from Laurel. Iris is always cruelly disappointed if letters number 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 fail to reach her at the proper time. However, this vivacious beaut)' has always been a good student, and has made an enviable record at W. :--'1. C. i\[ARIETT,\ RICHAIWS VEASEY,. Pocomoke City, Mel. P. L. $.; President of Y. W. C. T. V., 1901-1902. What can we say about Marie ? Well, in the fall of '98, she also cast her lot among us. although it is a very little lot she thinks of in the Class of 1902. From our first acquaintance she was recognized a quiet, modest and sincere girl-and, though she has spent four years among us. she has not changed in this respect one whit, and Mar-ie is admired by all as the type of true womanhood. Her course has been a smooth yet not an uneveritful one. In her Fresh- man year,after making long-distance observationsof a cer-tain '00 boy, and similar glances having been cast upon herby this same boy, her life romance began; and, though the Class of 1900 passed away from "College Hill" and distance came between them, still this romance casts its mellowing in- fluence ar-ound her and softens the hard, stern outline of the future. For the last two years she has found pleasure in telling her friends of Brother Clarence, Buddie Milton. Sister Gertrude, Sis, and thc rest clthem. Xevcr mind, Marie, far better this than the vain, empty conversation of some college girls. \YILLIA.\i \VALLAC": \\'Io:EK5, . Westminster, i\ld. I. L. S. Among the antique treasures in the possession of the Class or 1902 is the person of "Billy" Weeks, the only male town-student among 0111' ranks. Our Westminster friend commenced his journey nloug the road to knowledge some six years ago. Wee Willie, as he then was called, has de. 52
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