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in the" role" of common men. He is quite an elocutionist. having won the medal in both his Freshman and Sophomore years. The only curly-haired youth of 1902, he has deemed tbis a superior gift a.url a charm to the fair ones of the opposite sex. And so Buck has evolved into quite a sport of late, the only one the class can boast. Thus we are considering the question of buying a pedestal on which to place him when 1902 bids a final adieu to the pleasures and pains of Western Maryland. ALBERTA CLARKLl:-:CO, . Barton, Mel. P. L. S.; President of Philo., '02; Philo. Contestant, ] 90t; Presiden t of V. W. C. A., '02; Asst. Ed. of AI.OllA,'02; Literary Editor of .1[ollth~I·. Among the towering hills of Alleghany, where men probe deep into mother earth in search for the dark, dusty material which gives so l111H.'h warmth and comfort to humanity. was born the golden-voice singer of 1902. When Alberta first entered Western Maryland she realized the vast difference between the coal regions of her native soil and the benign in- fluence of college life. The haugbtj- mine-Rower declared her aversion to the opposite sex-describing them as such" disgusting animals "-and gave her time to the search for knowledge. She soon found this to be monotonous. and with the ioconsistcncv of most of the sex sought diversion in the smiles of those same" clisgus'ting animals." But, notwithstanding, she developed into a regular book WOrm and can recite any sort of 1{',;80n from alpha to omega-without using a single simple word. Alberta has also practiced artistic posing as an extra charm, and this, combined with a musical laugh-she laughs every note in the school-makes her quite a captivating girl. But the beauty of that voice is he!" power. Why, so alluring it is that for three whole hours, from a room on music hall, she held spell-bound at his window a certain boy of 1902. 'Tis true, but the music in that voice on trivals the charms of Cleopatra . PERCIYAL FALLS L\'KCIl, . Theodore, XId. W. L. S.; Member of Foot Ball Team. '00, '01; Member of Basket Ball Team. '01. '02. Cecil county made an appreciable contribution to the Class of 1902. when. in the fall of '98, she sent Lynch to "College Hill." After spending three years at Tome Institutc, where he laid a solid foundation in his studies and physical training, Percy joined our ranks. During his first year
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