Page 56 - YB1902
P. 56
HELE:\ ALBĀ£a'I'A ?\lllLLlN1X. Frederick. Md. P. L. S. In the land of Francis Scott Key, the nation's poet, there was born twenty years ago Helen Mullinix. the fashion plate of the girls of Xineteen Hundred and Two. She came here a Prcshuian, and at first thought that strikes surely were H nuisance to anyone, and decided that she would place her affections on a professor. But being frOI11 historic Frederick, where thev idolize the poet of the nation, Helen, in our Sophomore year, became "a worshiper of OUI" class poet, and till the present year the citadel of her heart remained under the poet's command. But somehow or other events changed, they do sometimes, and a "prep" was taken in charge. Sad, how sad. Helen is our artist; she delights in the varying scenes of nature, the gray top mountains, the picturesque hills, and the glorious sunsets so familiar to the students of Western Maryland. These she can place on canvas and delight the eye of any of esthetic temperament. She is also quite fond of caricaturing people, especially the Senior girls. Helen is 1:1 girl rather hard to get acquainted with, but we believe that when once she is your friend she is your friend forever and aye. E1'HOL EBENEZEH rARSOSS, . Pittsville, Md. W. L. S.; President of Y. r..1. C. A.; Y. :'.r. C. A. Dele- gate to Wilmington, Northfield and Toronto. Do you know the" Deakon ?" Why, I thought everybody frOI11 West virginia to Canada knew the Deacon. 1 mean 8ro. Ethel Ebenezer Par- sons, of Pittsville, Wicomico County. i\Id., the lone star of 1902. Deacon came into our midst in the Freshman year. "Strange minglil1,:," of mirth and tears of the tragic and grotesque." It is an awful hard under- taking to try and summarize the history of this man, for he has such a long interesting account to bis credit as a member of 1902. Fal'renowned is he as the only preacher in the Senior class, and HS classmates we unani., mously join in asserting that we sincerely believe that Parsons faithfullv tries to lend the life he professes. " Although a little refractory sometimes when approached we usually succeed in bringing him into harmony with the various plans formulated bv the 'O:Z" lnvincibles." ~ The Deacon became noted cady in his college life as a thoroughbred heart smasher, so much so that he failed to have any of the \\I. 1'1. C. girls 48
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