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Tl-10~lA~ IiE:-':RY LJ;<;G~;, . . xtatrapex. '\ld. W. L. S.; President of \Y. L. S., '01; xtember of Foot Ball Team, '99, '00, '01; Xlember- of Track Team, '00, '01, '02; :'-.fgr. of Base Ball, '02; Treasurer of Athletic Association; Y. xr. C. A. Dele- gate to Will'lingtoll, '01; Vice-Pres. of Y. ),1. C. A.; Captain of Basket Ball Te<1111, '02. Fresh from the Kent Island High School. in which he stood second in a class of three, "Toots" came a sub-Freshman to Western Xlaryland. A brown-tanned, sturdy built youth he S0011 developed into a well-formed, strong-muscled man, and as such he has been a terror to opponents on the "gridiron," in the gymnasium or wherever he has met them. Legg has made a good clean record out of his college COurse in every department on the hill. and stands high in the estimation of his class and college mates. He deserves credit for the knowledge he has, for, unlike many students, his mind is such that what he knows he has had to work for. But this he has done with a vim. Though his dogged determination has dr-awn him into nnrrow-mindeduess at times, as a rule, he has taken liberal views on most subjects. Chief among them is "girls." Tommy admires muchly the fair sex. and has always had a strike at college-with two or three away from school. He is one of the few Senior boys who has never practiced smoking, and the sight of a tobacco bag causes him to ex- postulate on the "evils of youthful intemperance." TllO~I.-\'S HUHt,;!{T LEWIS, . Westminster, xtd. W. L. S.; Manager of Tennis. '02. It would take Clio himself to tell the history of the President's son. "Buck," as he is generally known, has for many years resided on the col- lege campus and been a student at the institution. He commenced" way down" in the Preparator), department and has; undergone a systematic evolution from the "brule" to the Senior. Consequently he can relate to you 1110re incidents connected with the lives of past graduates than is even contained in the college rccortl of "super-annuates." Small of stature. he has heen kept busy for the last four years trying to make his; presence known among us. Cntil he became a "Soph " he was allowed to roam at will over the campus; but in that year commandment number 11 spread its fostering influence over him, and Buck became more , 4-5 ••
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