Page 62 - YB1902
P. 62
€pHogu" 'Tis ended! The record of the 1902 class roll has been completed and is now placed before the public. It must ever stand thus, beyond the power of human change. To some it may be different from what they would desire, but the consolation still remains that two persons seldom see things III the same light. And so this history has been given in that manner which most impressed itself upon the mmd of your humble historian. As a class, our path has generally been a pleasant one. It would be absurd to say that internal conditions were always harmonious, for dissen- sions have been in vogue since creation's dawn, and we of 1902 are simply mortals. Xevertbeless, the character of OUI" class was firmly moulded and the unity of 1902 was created, and has eyer been preserved throughout the course of our college career. And the fond associations of our college life will still remain dear in our memory long after its discords 11<\\,cbeen swept away. But now the time for parting is upon us, and soon must come tbe moment when we. as a class, must speak the last farewell. Neyer again shall we enjoy the fleeting moments of happy college haul'S, never again clasp each other's hands as classmates in these old familiar walls. Now we are Seniors! Soon we shall be graduates! We must say good-bye, sepa- rate, and each go to the scene of his future life. The past with its lingering associations binds us together with the tic of friendship which not even the great unknown can sever. The present with its final scenes in the drama of our college life must ever remain dear to us. The future with its mandate of duty is silently beckoning us onward-sits contents no man dare say. But whate'er shall be our lot may the finger of destiny point out to the members of 1902 useful and noble careers; and when in the dim distant future we shall be drawing neal' the sunset of OUI' lives, may we with heaven's choicest blessings adorning our bl-ows rest frOI11the labors of a glorious progress. and as we shall review the faded pictures hanging 011 memorv's wall 111a\'we turn with pride and tenderness to that of 1902 whose -old ta1l1iliar-motto has always been the inspiration of our lives- "We strive for truth, r-enown will follow!" 54
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