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veloped as the years have gone by and he is now a great big boy. This same "Billy" is somewhat of a foot ball player, if you don't believe me just notice the length of his hair from November to April. And from April to November it is growing preparatory to the first mentioned space of time. His chief amusement in leisure hours-this is only the major portion of his time-is either sketching caricatures all the wall of his room or teas- ing Colonel Kolb. his room-mate. He has WOIl renOWI1 for the diligent manner in which he can make plenty of noise, and the way he kicks against the mandates or Deakon in the classical Seminar. .• Billy" is seldom known to be on time for morning chapel-and occesionetlv he misses the first lesson. But his reputation lies in the possession of artistic talents. He is, in- deed, quite ail artist, and his ability is well recognized and appreciated by his classmates, As a proof to my statement. I can with pleasure refer yOU to his very commendable work in our '02 Al_OH.\. JAMES DAWSON W1LLlA~IS,. . Dawsonville, Md. w. L. S.; Member of the Base Ball Team, '00, '01, '02; Member- of Foot Ball Team, '01: Captain of2d Team. Upon the soil of fair Columbia's Capitol, where the very air teems with the energetic enthusiasm of our national politics and is radiant with the reflected beams of pretty girls, was born the one destined to complete the roll of the Class of 1902. Dawson. at quite an early age, imbibed the re- sultant spirit characteristic of the" District" and has ever since retained a longing for polities and been B worshiper of the fail' sex. Ilis father soon saw the "hankering" of his boy and moved to Xlontgoruery county= thinking to cure him of the dread disease. [11 vain. and about four years ago the last retued v was tried-Dawson was sent to western Xlarvlund. Fate was kind and 'throughout his course he has been an humble adorer at the shrine of the '02 Iris, under whose beaming promises he has made a steady progression. Dawson is noted for the facility with which he can borrow and keep anything till the owner can make it convenient to call for it. In this twentieth century art he is an indefatigable student, But he is also noted in other ways-he is the only boy of '02 who took a special course in Elo- cution, and who plays first team base ball. This same youth is quite an admirer of the fair sex in general, and he is never know-n to tire talking of their many charms-cand how he succeeds and sometimes succumbs. Such is the pastime of the social beau. 53
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