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College in the State Inter-Collegiate Contest. His admirers are fond of comparing him to Nestor of old, "the master of persuasive speech, The clear-lOlled Pyliall orator, whose tongue Dropped words more sweet than honey." WADE H,\:'IPTON INSLEY, w. L. S.; Bus. Mgr. of ALOHA, '02; Ex-President of 1901 Class ; Vice-Pres. of Athletic Association, '99; President of Athletic Association, '02; President of W. L. S., '02. After spending three yeeu's in the Class of 1901, in which he was hon- ored as its President and recognized as a business-like fellow, Wade decided to stop his college career And lay a business foundation for his future. Tn one year he had placed well the basis of a thriving mercantile trade, and then he felt it his duty to complete his education. Accordingly he entered 1902 in the Junior _ycar. In this class he soon made his influence felt as a thoroughly practical fcllow, and we were glad to honor him who has been an honor to us. Wade, although he has worked under-a disadvantage, has made a good student record among us. He is especially noted for the numerous trips he has taken at various times, and the length of time it required him to reach college after a vacation. The most renowned of his trips was the one to Annapolis in his Senior year for the purpose of running the lobby of our ancient legislative halls, In this he succeeded well, for the Haaman Oyster bill was deterred and lost we firmly believe through the efforts of Wade. What a glorious victory for 1902! Em'I'1I CLARE l~unIELI", . Aberdeen, l\ld. B. L. S.; President of Browning, '01; Asst. Buss. ;\Igr, of ALOII .." '02; Asst. Bus. :\lgr. of Xl onthlv, '01; Browning- Contestant, 1901; Class Prophetess. The queerly dignified Prophetess of our class emanates from the rustic . hills of Northern Maryland. When she first came to college she entered the class of] 903, but the Paculty soon recognized her intellectual abilitv and placed her in the ranks of 1902 where the atmosphere wns more preg;lated with literary enthusiasm, and where it was more conducive to the iruprove, ment of her time. She is known as the Baby Elephant of 1902, Edith has always kept a 43
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