Page 48 - YB1902
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performances, A str-ike. did I say? Oh ! yes, in his senior year, a bewitch, ing Freshman damsel had Webb dang-ling by the heart strings. And how glad am I to relate that this fact has cured ., Webb" of his grosser mon- strosities. "Skeeter" is a terrific debater, and the opponent who defeats him must possess a well developed psychosis. IDA COR:-;'ELIUS HALL, . Centreville. :Odd. P. L. S. Reared on the suburbs of the quaint little town of Centreville, on the far-famed Eastern Shore, Ida is a staunch advocate and defender of its charms. '''hen about sixteen vcars old she left home end lover to cast her fortune with tbe class of 1902, then in its Freshman year; and fr0111the results of her college experience we believe that lela is satisfied with the decision she then mnde. Though in no manner a brilliant student, she, like the many other girls of her class, has been a faithful one, and she can end her college course satisfied with the past four years, At times she is. perbaps.aoruewhat hasty ill clecision ; ncverrhetcss when once her mind is made up she is not easily dissuarlcd from her resolution- and so Ida can in no way be termed a ficl__le girl. The toss of her head and curl of her lip is indicative of a tinge of SIHC
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