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Senior girls when it comes to paJ'sing" Deutsch," for in this she can't be excelled. Edna is a sincere worker and is earnest in whatever she attempts. Her happy disposition has won for her a circle of friendly admirers, not only a1110117 her classmates but throughout the college, and all join in voting her a priceless gem in the '02 band. SARAH LA HUE llERR, . Westminster, Md. B. L. S.; President of Browning, '02; Asst. Ed. of ALOHA, '02; Browning Contestant, 1901. How strange are the decrees of Fate! \Yithout this name the history of 1902 would be recorded without a single girl from Westminster among us; ami once upon a time La Rue was a member of 190]. But destiny pointed the way for the future and .•Rue" bade farewell to the Class of '01 for the charms of '02. She is declared by all as the most popular girl in the class. winsome in manner find genial in disposition, one cannot help but fall a victim in her presence and help swell the coterie of her friends. It is prett), well known that Rue has never" hooked" a recitation and has alwuys made a study-special-of French. How about it, Larry? A talented elocutionist is this fair maid. and more than one audience has been held spell bound by the rhythmical music of her voice. Were I allowed to prophecy, La Rue, r would tell you the future of such a power; but the his. torian must record only the past and present. .-\nd so 1 can only add my simple testimony to those of many others in proclaiming our pleasure in having _vouas our classmate-the only town girl of 1902. , Frederick, Xfd. W. L. S.: Class Trcasurer ; Exchange Editor of slonthlv; '01; xtember of :'IIand olin and Guitar Club. '01; xternber of Orchestra, '00, '01, '02. The one who next claims our attention is the modern student phe- nomena fr-om the historic hills of Frederick. After graduating from the High School. Il un-y taught school Ior- a year in the mountain wilds, and it is 1110I'e than interesting to hear this then youthful pedagogue r-elate some of his experiences. Fimling this vocnti ou too strenuous exercise for him, Harry decided to try college life, and so entered the Class of 1902 H~ a Sophomore. Harry has made a record nt \\'. :\1. C, as the nearest approach to Rip Van Winkle the class could hope to boast; as taking more quick" hookey"
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